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Pin-up model in bath tub with sponge. A 50s style pin-up model sits in a metal bath tub squeezing a sponge Гардероб — юбки равным образом платья с завышенной талией также А-силуэта; юбки-карандаш, платья-футляры; топы с открытыми плечами, блузки также платья с узким обтягивающим лифом в свой черед глубоким декольте; рубашки с завязками, укороченные жакеты; брюки с завышенной талией, шорты-бермуды; корсеты, бюстье, боди, чулки с поясом, кружевное белье. Lipstick "turned into a symbol of resilient femininity in the face of danger"3] and was seen as a way to boost morale during the war. The shape of the lip was also iconic of the 1940s. The lips were painted on to look plumper, a broad outline of the lip was added for roundness. This fuller look is known as the "Hunter's Bow", invented by Max Factor.4] The pin curl is a staple of the pin-up style, "women utilized pin curls for their main hair curling technique".5] Originating in the 1920s from the "water-waving technique", the hair style of the 1940s consisted of a fuller, gentle curl. The drying technique consists of curling a damp piece of hair, from the end to the root and pin in place. Once the curl is dry, it is brushed through to create the desired soft curl, with a voluminous silhouette. Natural eyebrows were embraced as opposed to the thin brows of the 1920s and '30s. 1940s brows were shaped and clean but filled in with a pencil to appear fuller.2] It has further been argued by some critics that in the early 20th century, these drawings of women helped define certain body images—such as being clean, being healthy, and being wholesome—and were enjoyed by both men and women; as time progressed these images changed from respectable to illicit.7] «Девушку Кристи» можно было увидеть в книжных иллюстрациях, на календарях в свой черед предметах коллекционирования. https://pin-up-casino1.ru/zerkalo * Заполняя форму, я соглашаюсь с условиями политики конфиденциальности Other pin-ups were artwork depicting idealized versions of what some thought a particularly beautiful or attractive woman should look like. An early example of the latter type was the Gibson Girl, a representation of the New Woman drawn by Charles Dana Gibson. "Because the New Woman was symbolic of her new ideas about her sex, it was inevitable that she would also come to symbolize new ideas about sexuality."] Unlike the photographed actresses and dancers generations earlier, fantasy gave artists the freedom to draw women in many different ways.] The 1932 Esquire "men's" magazine featured many drawings and "girlie" cartoons but was most famous for its Vargas girls. Метки: дисней мультипликация мультфильмы персонажи сказок пинап принцессы Диснея Читать дальше Большой популярностью пользовались календари с изображением девушки пин-ап. «Блокнот набросков художника» в тот осторожность создавал Джерри Томсон. Pin-up ballerina. Beautiful young pin-up girl in polka dot corset and red ballet shoes on white background Это знаменитый, феерический мастер, поднявший пин-ап на должную высоту. Во многом благодаря ему отлично примерно сказать популярен. Ограничения серьезных изданий не касались желтой прессы, и для привлечения читательской аудитории на обложку часто помещали полуобнаженных девушек, манера которых в зависимости через сюжета мог быть как беззащитным, например также порочным. БОЛЬШЕ ПОСТОВ Функционирование ДНК показали в удивительной анимации Автор: Кот шашлык Разместил: LeroyJoyncTD Страна: Canada Город: Edson Тел/Факс: 83787883176 E-mail: savelyvakutagin@yandex.ru Web-сайт: https://pin-up-casino1.ru/ рубрика: Хобби и развлечения |