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Ãîðîñêîï íà 10.03.2025

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Bengaluru (also called Bangalore) is the capital of India's southern Karnataka state. The center of India's high-tech industry, the city is also known for its parks and nightlife. By Cubbon Park, Vidhana Soudha is a Neo-Dravidian legislative building. Former royal residences include 19th-century Bangalore Palace, modeled after England’s Windsor Castle, and Tipu Sultan’s Summer Palace, an 18th-century teak structure. Bengaluru Bengaluru (also called Bangalore) is the capital of India's southern Karnataka state. The center of India's high-tech industry, the city is also known for its parks and nightlife. By Cubbon Park, Vidhana Soudha is a Neo-Dravidian legislative building. Former royal residences include 19th-century Bangalore Palace, modeled after England’s Windsor Castle, and Tipu Sultan’s Summer Palace, an 18th-century teak structure.

Ðàçìåñòèë: https://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/164251-how-to-change-ost-to-pst-in-outlook-2016-2019-2013-manually
Ñòðàíà: Qatar
Ãîðîä: Doha
Òåë/Ôàêñ: 82598626469
E-mail: japlannyjanny@gmail.com
Web-ñàéò: https://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/164251-how-to-change-ost-to-pst-in-outlook-2016-2019-2013-manually
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